We took the eye shape of the logo of BKOR and repeated this in the shape of a star (which is symbolic for the night). At the bottom are the people who want to be a "creature of the night" voluntarily. On the top are the people who don't have a choice to be it. The overlapping part in the middle is everyone together as a "creature of the night".
The bob-bus is only riding on Friday- and Saturday night and is focusing on people who want to go out. This means that we are going to use partygoers as our target group.

We made a rough sketches of bus routes in combination with the art. We decided to take a closer look at two of the bus routes. We chose B3 and B5. They are both going in a different direction and through the city centre of Rotterdam.
As Sara, I want the night to last forever, so that I have as much fun as possible.
Those people are wild and that is how they look at the end of the night. Girls have lipstick all over their face and some guys may lost some parts of their outfits.
At the end of the night this group of people is so tired that they can sleep everywhere.. in the middle of the street or on top of the poles of the bus.
They see their phone as an extension of their arm. They see it as part of their body. Every funny moment has to be captured in a picture and shared on their social media.
They don’t care about their reputation anymore and their common sense is completely gone. If they have to pie they do it.
Everybody in this group has a bottle of alcohol hidden in their bag. It doesn’t matter which kind of drink it is, as long as there is alcohol in it. They try to make the bottle as big as their bag, because the more alcohol the better. I mean, can you imagine one minute without alcohol?
Revisit the first exercise (mapping of you & the other). What are the assumptions you (still) have about the ‘user group’? How were they debunked or confirmed?
Confirmed: I still think that most of the party people on a night bus are young people and/or students. They like alcohol, otherwise there will be someone who wants to be the BOB.
Debunked: For everyone it is easier to talk to other people when they are drunk, so the social part is debunked. I think they are not not necessarily poor, but they just don’t want to spend money on transport. And of course not everyone sees the bus as an afterparty.

Write down your personal interest in this group? What are you curious about? How do you relate to this group (positive of negative); do you want to be part of it, do you admire them, are you more negative about them?
I mean, who is not in for a party? So I like the “we just want to have fun” vibe. But I’m not sure if I want to be related to the night bus. This is probably not the funnest part of the night. I’m wondering how you can make the night bus more fun for them.
Fragmentation and Fetishized: Which objects (e.g. food, products, clothes, part of the body) are used to stereotype with? Where did you find them? In which shape, form or media (jokes, sayings, news, tv, politics, shops, history, education,...)
I found an article in Het Parool which is telling some stories about what happend on the night bus. I can connect fast food and human shit to the stereotypes.
“Ik heb weleens een mensendrol gevonden.” Ze wist dat ie van een mens was, omdat ze geen honden in de bus had gezien. “Ik had geen zin om te wachten tot het schoonmaakteam er was. Dus ik heb een rol wc-papier uit ons rusthok gehaald, en hem opgepakt. Het was wel een mooie drol.”
“We hadden eten mee en werden daarom bij de vorige bus geweigerd,” zegt Romy. “Ik dacht: ga ik hier een halfuur over huilen in de kou? Nee, mijn eten is belangrijker. Die bus komt zo wel weer.”

Who spreads these stereotypes about your usergroup? What do you assume their intention is? Did you find examples of discrimination, ongoing conflicts, historic events or other injustices where stereotypes are used to control or overpower your ‘user group’? Which system of oppression is it part of (racism, classism, agism, sexism?
I think the older generating is spreading those stereotypes. Sometimes party people disturb the night of this older generation, that’s why they maybe don’t like them. An other option is that they want to make them look bad because they are jealous.

Have you found examples where your ‘social group’ is reversing the stereotype; using the known stereotypes and appropriating them for their own cause? (see more Hall, 5.1: Reversing the stereotype).
I am not sure if this is a good example of reversing the stereotype. But there are buses who make a real party of their night bus. If they would do this with every bus, then more people would like to take the bus instead of a cab.
These people are most likely seen in the early hours, at the end of the night, or maybe they didn’t even make it to the club. Similar to the back seat lovers in being blind to the world around them but alone… The debris around them might give you a few clues to the story of their night, a few bottles? Maybe some food? Hopefully they don’t miss their stop.
This person is not supposed to be in this bus. They normally would take a cab. But something went wrong that night and they ended up in the bus with all those “nasty” and “poor” people. They disinfect the chair before they sit down and don’t want to touch anything.
These people are most likely seen in the early hours, at the end of the night, or maybe they didn’t even make it to the club. Similar to the back seat lovers in being blind to the world around them but alone… The debris around them might give you a few clues to the story of their night, a few bottles? Maybe some food? Hopefully they don’t miss their stop
For anyone who has ever told a joke and seen it fall flat, watch this joker give it a second shot on the night bus. Everyone’s drunk, standards plummet and that last glass of wine just sent their confidence levels through the roof. They give their best shot at the comedy and if it doesn't land, No one will remember anyway.
The perfect end of a night out is fast food, that’s why fast food and night buses go hand in hand. The bus driver is not always a fan of these fast-food lover’s calling card. A pile of half-eaten wings topped off with a limp slice of doner. That’s why these people try to hide their food when they get in the bus. For example a few chicken wings hidden in their wallet…
Click here to go to the Miro with all the interfaces
On this page you can find some of the research I did, some part I did together with my groupmembers and the conclusion we made as a group.
We took a closer look to the routes of B3 and B5. We made a map with the public art which is crossing the bus route of B3 and B5.CLICK HERE to see this map
Our final collection consists of 27 artworks located along the route of BOB-bus 3 and 5. But our feedback was: "Defining the 27 artworks over the two longer night bus routes calls for a next step in which more clarity and more depth is added: for instance groupings, categories, themes, narratives. Try to connect them to the passenger subtypes. Even when lighthearted or humorous, art is an experience of a certain depth.Try to avoid creating an ‘easy’ consumer experience, as tourist routes often are." So maybe I have to take a closer look to the artworks.

We have narrowed down our target group to the night bus passenger. Since the night bus is only riding on Friday- and Saturday evening and is focussing on party people, we decided to take this as PARTY PASSENGERS. The feedback was very positive about the subtypes we made, so maybe I can do something with this.

In the end what makes all these people similar and connects them all is that they all want to have fun. The interface should engage with them in a fun way which can keep a good mood in the bus.
After the feedback I made a new collection. In the feedback was written: "try to connect the collection to the passenger subtypes. Even when lighthearted or humorous, art is an experience of a certain depth. Try to avoid creating an ‘easy’ consumer experience, as tourist routes often are." So I made 5 new smaller collections, by which the art is connected to the subtypes: the backseat lover, the (fast)food lover, the (silent)sleeper, the entertainer and the overdressed.
Click on the image on the right to open the Miro with all the interfaces. I made the interfaces with the font Baskerville (see image on the left).
Click HERE to see the knelling of the signs we made as a group.